Beekeeping Information

The Honey Bee’s Enemy #1

We are still a few months away from the official start of the 2018 beekeeping season.

However, now is the time to start thinking about your equipment for the summer and also start thinking about your treatment for Varroa Mites. Depending on your choice of treatment you might have to start now.

I have treated with formic acid during the last two years and have had good results. Formic acid cannot be applied until the temperatures warm up (label indicates 50-85 degree F). For now, I will continue to monitor the food supply in my hives (until it warms up I will only add white granulated sugar).

Sometime in March temperatures should be high enough to start feeding 1:1 sugar syrup and I usually add some pollen supplements to boost my colony strength.

Once I am done with my spring feeding I will treat for mites. It is a necessity to support the overall health of the colonies. I want to make sure they are strong and healthy as April rolls around.

See below, not even the queens are safe from the mites. If you look closer you can see a mite on the Thorax of the queen.

Queen with Varroa Mite

Beekeeping Information

Welcome to Seven Lakes Apiary

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read through our pages. We are a small family run apiary with only a few bee colonies. However, we love to share our experiences with these exceptional creatures. Most of the time we have more honey than we consume in a year and we are offering it to local customers. Please drop us a line if you are interested in some local raw honey.


Inspection with helper


Beekeeping Information

Not every bee swarm can be retrieved

Most of the time we get lucky and a swarm of bees settles in an area which is easily accessible, but last season this one was by far out of reach. I had to get the ladder to confirm, but it was way too short. If you look closely you can see the swarm hanging at the very top.
